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Thuja Occidentalis

Thuja Occidentalis has gained a great quantum of character in moment’s world as a drug for treatment of knobs, and numerous amongst us have seen someone take this drug or have taken it ourselves.

Thuja is used in many medicines like Banoacne drops,etc

But there's a lot further to Thuja than just treatment of knobs.

So, let’s see what further secrets this drug holds.

General preface

Thuja Occidentalis is generally known as arborvitae – which means – tree of life.

It's known as the tree of life because of its medicinal parcels which are present in its dinghy, tire and outgrowths.

In Homoeopathy, drug is prepared from the tinge of fresh green outgrowths and was proved byDr. Hahnemann who was author of the Homoeopathic system of drug.

Thuja has a pronounced action on the following corridor

Genito- Urinary tract

Gastro- Intestinal tract





Head – crown

Left side of the body generally.

Constitution of a Thuja case

Well suited to hydrogenoid constitution.

Sickly looking individualities.

Fleshy people with dark complexion, black hair and unhealthy skin.

People who suffer from bad goods of vaccination or from suppressed or poorly treated gonorrhoea.

These people substantially have tendencies for knobs, condylomatas or some kind of Sycotic growths.

Mental symptoms

Fixed ideas; case feels as if his soul and body were separated; as if a strange person were at his side; as if commodity alive is present in tummy.

Music makes the case weep with pulsing of bases.


Aversion to life, doesn't like his life.


Cases taking Thuja substantially suffer from Left sided headaches.

Pain in the head as if pierced by a nail.

Vertigo as from stir of a swing, when rising from a seat, or when lying down, or looking into the air.

Heaviness in the head especially in the morning on waking.

Traffic of blood in head, palpitation in tabernacles.

Case likes to wrap his head warm.

Crown is painful to touch.

White scaled dandruff.


Eyes are hurting and have blazing sensation, shooting pain in eyes in bright light.

Ptosis, lids heavy as lead, falls down several times in a day.

Ophthalmia of babes.

Iritis, jagged iris, scleritis.

holes and tarsal tumours.

Case sees green stripes floating in front of his eyes and is frighted by them.

Sensation of blankness of eyes.

Eyelids get scattered especially at night.


habitual otitis of cognizance associated with rotten foul- smelling discharge.

Cracking on empty swallowing.

Pale sanguine cysts in cognizance, which bleeds fluently.


Coryza is fluent with cough and hoarseness of voice.

There's discharge of greenish thick mucus with blood on blowing the nose.

Painful pressure at the root of the nose.


Greenishness and heat of face, with mottled appearance of modes on face.

unctuous slithery looking skin.

Light brown dots on face.

Pain in trigeminal whim-whams after repression of gonorrhoea or eruption on cognizance.

There might be swelling of submaxillary glands.


Painful Pocks which are white in colour are present in the mouth.

Toothache after drinking tea with pain extending into the jaws.

Tip of lingo is veritably painful.

Teeth decay next to epoxies.

swollen modes on lingo and mouth.


Case suffers from nausea and uneasiness in the region of the stomach.

Total loss of appetite, case doesn't feel empty at all.

Dyspepsia due to tea drinking.

Doesn't like meat and potatoes and can not eat onions.


Abdomen is overinflated, there are indurations in tummy.

Flatulence and growling sensation in the tummy, pooching then and there.

habitual diarrhoea generally exacerbated after breakfast.

Coprolite and Anus

Obstinate constipation due to intussusception of bowel or from inactivity of bowel.

Discharge of blood during coprolite.

Burning soreness in anus, remaining throughout the day.

Cases might suffer from fistula and chink in ano.

Piles swollen; pain worse while sitting. Burning, suturing pains at the anus.

Urinary System

Urine sluice is small and split.

Bladder feels paralyzed, and has to stay for urination.

Inflammation of feathers.

Good drug for Diabetes Mellitus, there's presence of sugar in urine.

Severe slice pains after urination.

unforeseen and critical desire to urinate, but can not control.


Case feels pain in penis, along with inflammation of glans and prepuce.

Complaints associated with prostate. Prostate is enlarged.

veritably useful drug in cases of sexually transmitted conditions.

Cauliflower- suchlike growths; fig knobs.

Painful constructions at night which causes wakefulness in a case.


Warty growths on perineum and vulva.

veritably sensitive vagina, therefore precluding copulation( intercourse).

Leucorrhea is gushing and thick in character and green in colour.

Case might suffer from Recto- Vaginal fistula.

Case has a regular history of revocation at third month of gestation.

Respiratory System

A veritably good drug for asthma in children.

Sot, playing coughs more in the autumn.

Cases suffer from habitual laryngitis.

Neck and Back

Stiffness and pressure in the nape of neck, loins and back.

lump of glands and modes of neck.


Rheumatism with numb feeling which is better from cold and sweating and worse in warmth and on moving.

Crippled and brittle nails.

Cracking in joints when stretching them.

Case feels that his branches are made of wood or glass and feels as if they would break fluently.

Indicated in cases of ingrowing toe nails.


Painful acuteness of skin associated with itching.

Dirty looking, dry, hairy skin with brown spots.

Dots and blotches.

Knobs on any part of the body.

Cases might suffer from Cysts, outgrowths, naevi, carbuncles.

Eruptions only on covered corridor of the body, eruptions burn violently worse after scratching.

Useful in cases of herpes.


Disturbed and unrefreshing sleep.

Cases might suffer from constant wakefulness.

Sexual dreams without emigration but painful construction on waking.


Chill begins in the shanks.

Shivering, every morning, without thirst.

Sweat profuse on genitals; foul, unctuous, pungent, occasionally sweetish smelling like honey, occasionally garlicky in odour; might stain clothes unheroic.

Sweat only on exposed corridor, or on all corridor except the head.

Sweat at the morning of sleep.

Burning in the face without greenishness; dry heat on covered corridor.


Thuja case is generally


At night

From heat of bed

At 3AM and 3PM

From Cold, Damp air

After breakfast; fat; coffee

After vaccination


Left side

Drawing up a branch.

So, that was each about Thuja Occidentalis in detail.

I'm mentioning a many references of Thuja Occidentalis in varying forms and muscle of colorful commanding brands in homoeopathy, you can take a look.

SBL Thuja Ointment

SBL Thuja Roll- on

SBL Thuja Gel

Bakson's Thuja Ointment

Wheezal Thuja Ointment

Willmar Schwabe India Topi Thuja Cream

SBL Thuja Occidentalis Dilution 30 CH, 200 CH

Dr. Reckeweg Thuja Occidentalis Dilution 30 CH, 200 CH

Dr. Willmar Schwabe India Thuja Occidentalis Dilution 30CH, 200 CH

Other muscle and tinctures of the same as well as other brands are also available.


tinge can be used as a original operation for warty growths, doubly a day.

You can also use varying quantities of ointments available in the request, over the counter for knobs.

Avoid applying drugs if there are any cuts or scrapes in skin.

But always flash back that it's a drug and should be taken only when advised by your Homoeopathic Croaker. Avoid tone- bandaging as much as possible.