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Sepia Officinalis

Sepia Officinalis is a well- known remedy in the world of homoeopathy because of its immense restorative powers. numerous of us have heard the name of this drug and some might have used this drug as well if specified by their homoeopathic croakers .

Sepia officinalis is used in many medicines like Banoacne drops

General preface

Photograph Officinalis is generally known as the cuttle fish which is generally set up in the Mediterranean Sea and belongs to the phylum Mollusca of our Beast area.

Sepia belongs to the class of Sarcodes because this drug is prepared from the brownish black juice set up in the essay bag of the cuttlefish

Sepia Officinalis has a pronounced action on the following corridor

Portal system

Gastrointestinal tract

Genitourinary tract

womanish reproductive system

Photograph cases generally have their affections due to-

wrathfulness and vexation

Over lifting and laundry work

Working in water or getting wet

Snowy air

Fats, pork, tobacco and boiled milk.

Constitution of a Sepia case

Photograph is known to be generally a womanish remedy, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't work in manly population, if symptoms match also males are inversely served by this drug.

Cases are weak with unheroic earthy complexion, shallow skin, unheroic spots on the casket and unheroic defile across the nose.

These people are dark haired with rigid fibre but mild and easy disposition.

Mind symptoms

Cases have an indifferent nature towards the people they love.

These cases get offended fluently and bothered as well.

Cases are intolerant of contradiction, get infuriated from contradiction.

These people have colorful fears, like fear of ghosts, fear of poverty and get anxiously stressed over trifles.

They will find out the weakness of others and will also come out with slice, sardonic and hurtful words to those people, and also go into a feeling of guilt.

These ladies have aversion to their families and to those whom they love the most, yet they sweat to be alone.

Any demands made by the family make the case veritably angry and are viewed as a burden.

Cases are veritably sad and will weep while telling their symptoms to the croaker .

These cases love dancing and showers.


Patient suffers from vertigo which is associated with a sensation as if commodity is rolling round in his head.

Case feels that his head is cold from vertex.

Ladies have terrible shocks of headache around the time of menopause with skimp inflow.

Hair roots are sensitive; hair fall after habitual headache or at the time of menopause; dandruff.

There are pustules on the forepart near the hairline.


Eye complaints are exacerbated in the morning and evening.

There's drooping of lids.

There's dimness of vision due to sexual surpluses, masturbation and conditions of uterus.


A awful remedy for herpes being behind the cognizance, on the earlobes and on the nape of neck.

There's swelling and eruptions on the external cognizance.


The nostrils are cruddy and ulcerated; there's presence of thick greenish discharge and entrapments and crusts.

There's presence of unheroic defile across the ground of the nose.

Presence of foetid smell in nose.

Cases suffer from habitual nasal catarrh, especiallypost-nasal with dropping of heavy, lumpy discharges, which must be peddled through the mouth.


Face is pale and fluffy with bluish circles around the eyes.

There's yellowness of face.

Presence of knobs, acne and herpes on face.

Drawing, neuralgic facial pains.


Tongue is carpeted white.

Taste is salty, bitter, sour, muddy and rotten.

There's the presence of vesicles on the lingo.

There's blankness of the mouth, lips and lingo.


Cases suffer from inflammation, swelling and suppuration of tonsils( tonsillitis).

There's lump of glands of the neck along with sore throat.


Case is either thirstless or has inordinate thirst, especially in the morning.

Cases have a desire for wine, ginger, acids and pickles and aversion to beer.

Cases suffer from nausea which is worse on sight or smell of food, and on lying on side; nausea in the morning before eating.

There's a feeling of goneness in the stomach, which isn't better by eating.

There occurs dyspepsia due to tobacco; acid dyspepsia associated with sour eructations.

Everything tastes too salty to the case.

There's a burning sensation in the hole of the stomach.


Presence of liver spots( brown coloured spots) on the tummy.

Liver is sore and painful; hostility.

There do abdominal spasms with a clawing pain as if bowel were being twisted.

There's inordinate product of flatus.

There's a sensation of heaviness and hardness in the tummy along with inordinate distension of the tummy.

Coprolite and Anus

A veritably good drug for affections of anus and rectum associated with sharp, firing, lancinating pains which run up into the tummy.

There's wholeness of rectum associated with bleeding during droppings.

Evacuation of droppings is veritably delicate, indeed though the droppings are soft; constipation.

immature diarrhoea which is worse after boiled milk; diarrhoea is enervating and of rotten or sour smell.

nearly constant oozing occurs from anus; prolapse of rectum might do in some cases.

There are pains which shoot up in rectum and vagina.

Urinary organs

Cases suffering from habitual cystitis are served by this drug.

There's a frequent but ineffectual appetite to urinate.

nightly enuresis( involuntary emigration of urine at night) especially in the first sleep.

Urine is deep coloured with the presence of red, tenacious beach.

Urination occurs sluggishly and is associated with a bearing down sensation above the pubis.


Perspiration is obnoxious and gushing especially in the genital region.

Small, satiny gonorrhoeal knobs do around the periphery of prepuce.

Cases suffer from intellectual, moral and physical fatigue after copulation or excess of masturbation.

Organs cold; complaints from copulation.

aker before taking any homoeopathic drug.

Avoid tone- bandaging as much as possible to avoid complications


Cases have a bearing down sensation as if everything would escape through the vulva, must cross her branches or press against the vulva to help projection.

There's great blankness of the vulva and vagina especially after monthlies and the corridor are painful to touch; copulation is painful due to painful vagina.

Ladies suffering from unheroic, greenish leucorrhoea with important itching are served by this drug.

A good drug for uterine and vaginal prolapse.

Monthlies are important late and skimp, irregular or early and gushing, associated with sharp clinging pain.

There are violent aches that go overhead in the vagina from uterus to umbilicus.

Respiratory system

Dry cough occurs from the stomach in cases and drudgeries the cases.

There's difficulty in breathing which is exacerbated after sleep and better by rapid-fire stir.

Cough occurs in the morning and is present with gushing salivation which is salty in taste.

Cough is excited by poking in the casket or larynx.


Cases generally have violent, intermittent pulsations.

Case feels that there's beating in all his highways.

Neck and Back

There's weakness and stiffness in the small of the reverse and neck.

lump of axillary glands occurs along with suppuration.

There's dispassionateness between the shoulders.


There's restlessness in all the branches which is associated with shuddering and jerking which occurs throughout the day and night.

Drawing and tearing pains in branches and joints; arthritic pains.

Cases have pain in heels and dispassionateness of legs and bases.


A veritably good remedy for herpetic eruptions, ringworm- suchlike eruptions, urticaria, and chloasma.

There's itching which isn't relieved by scratching, itching is worse in the bends of elbows and knees.

A awful action on cases of hyperhidrosis and bromhidrosis.

There's important sweating on toes with an intolerable odour.


Cases have a strong desire to sleep during the day and early in the evening.

There's wakefulness from over excitement.

There's talking, crying and jerking of branches during sleep.

Cases see anxious, frightful and lascivious dreams.


There's a general lack of warmth in the body.

Cases have frequent flushes of heat and sweat from least stir.

bases are cold and wet.

Paroxysms of heat and of shivering are associated with thirst.


Photograph case is generally-


From snowy air

From cold air and North winds

From getting wet

Before monthlies

Sitting and standing


Before showers

During commerce

From sexual surpluses

From touch,etc.


By violent stir

By warmth in general and warmth of bed

By cold drinks and cold bath

By hot operation

By crossing or drawing up branches,etc.

So, that was each about our drug Sepia Officinalis.

I'm mentioning a many references of Sepia Officinalis in varying forms and muscle of colorful commanding brands in homoeopathy for your ease, so that you can take a look.

SBL Sepia 30 CH, 200 CH, 1000 CH, 10M CH,etc.

ADEL Sepia Officinalis Dilution 30 CH, 200 CH,etc.

Reckeweg Sepia 200 CH, 1000 CH, 10M CH, 50M CH,etc.

Willmar Schwabe India Sepia 30 CH, 200 CH, 1000 CH,etc.

Other muscle and tinctures of the same as well as other brands are also available.


Lozenge Different cases bear different muscle of Sepia Officinalis depending upon their symptoms, age groups, vulnerability,etc.