What is eczema?
Eczema is a chronic inflammatory condition of skin causing symptoms such as itching, dryness, scaling of skin and skin infections.
Itching being the commonest symptom.
Types of eczema:
There are seven different types of eczema which are mentioned below:
- Atopic Dermatitis – it is the most common type of eczema, usually occurs in people with an overactive immune system which causes the skin barrier to become dry and itchy. It mostly affects the skin of hands, feet, face, inner elbow and back of the knees.
- Contact Dermatitis – contact dermatitis occurs due to damage to the skin due to some chemicals or allergy causing substances such as nickel, cosmetics, etc. It is of two types: irritant and allergic contact dermatitis.
- Dyshidrotic Dermatitis – this eczema usually affects the hands and feet. There is blister formation which later on leads to scaly patches. The exact cause of this eczema is not known.
- Nummular Eczema – this eczema is characterised by coin shaped red marks, often found on legs, hips, lower back, forearms and the back of the hands. Men are more affected by this eczema compared to women.
- Seborrheic Dermatitis – this type of dermatitis usually affects the regions rich in sebaceous glands such as scalp, face and trunk. This eczema leads to dandruff and scaly skin.
- Stasis Dermatitis – usually occurs in people with venous insufficiency (occurs when the valves are not working properly) or poor blood circulation in lower legs. This eczema causes swelling in ankles and brownish coloured spots known as cayenne pepper spots on the legs.
- Neurodermatitis – also known as lichen simplex chronicus. This type of eczema usually begins with a patch of itchy skin, this itchy skin after being scratched becomes more itchier and the cycle continues, because of this cycle the skin becomes thick and leathery.
Signs and symptoms of eczema:
Some common symptoms include:
- Itchy skin
- Thick and dry skin
- Redness and inflammation
- Scaling
- Small eruptions
- Blisters
- Oozing or crusting
Management of eczema:
- Most importantly, do not scratch the affected area, especially with long nails.
- Implement a daily bathing and moisturising schedule.
- To relieve the irritation, apply some non-medicated ointment like petroleum jelly.
- Apply a cold compress in case of much itching.
- Compression stockings can help in the cases of stasis dermatitis.
- Keep yourself physically active and relaxed. Do some exercise, yoga or meditation on a daily basis.
- If you are allergic to some food items, avoid them.
- A Vitamin A and zinc rich diet helps in skin regeneration.
- In case of allergies due to some jewellery or cosmetics, avoid them as well.
Why BNL Banoeczma Drops?
BNL has curated a very efficient medicine for all the symptoms of eczema, this medicine is named as Banoeczma Drops. These drops have a wonderful effect in controlling the itching associated with eczema.
Composition of the BNL Banoeczma Drops
- Apis Mellifica – has a direct action on the cellular tissues associated with oedema, redness and pain. The affected part is sore and sensitive and the patient suffers from stinging pains. There is oedematous swelling of the body associated with different types of skin affections like boils, carbuncles, wheals etc.
- Arsenicum Album – a very good medicine for skin diseases like psoriasis, ulcers with offensive discharges, scirrhus, etc. There is much itching, burning and swelling of the affected parts. Patients suffer from oedema and eruptions which are papular, dry, rough and scaly. Itching is worse by scratching and cold application.
- Sulphur – this medicine is known as the king of antipsorics. It has a strong affinity for skin diseases. Patients have dry, scaly and unhealthy skin, there is much itching and burning which is worse by scratching and washing. There is pimple like eruptions and pustules on the affected parts. There is excoriation especially in the folds of skin.
- Graphites – again, a very good medicine for skin affections. The skin which is unaffected by eczema is rough, hard and dry. There are eruptions which ooze out a sticky exudation. Skin is unhealthy and every little injury suppurates. There is rawness in the bends of limbs, groins, neck and behind the ears. Redness of skin is associated with burning and stinging pain.
- Borax – a very effective remedy in cases of psoriasis. There is itching on the back of the hand. Skin is unhealthy and suppurates easily on little injuries. There is erysipelatous inflammation with swelling and tension. There is presence of herpetic eruptions and purulent vesicles.
- Chrysarobinum – a wonderful remedy for skin diseases especially ringworms, psoriasis, herpes and acne rosacea. There are squamous or vesicular lesions on the skin which are foul smelling, discharging and crust forming. These lesions tend to become confluent to give the appearance of a single crust covering the entire area. There is violent itching. Patients suffer from eczema behind the ears with the tendency to form thick crust.
- Gunpowder – an efficient remedy for skin eruptions like boils, abscesses and carbuncles. There is much suppuration. This medicine acts wonderfully in cases where ivy (plant) acts as an irritant to the skin. There is eczema of the eyelids and ringworm around the neck. Patients suffering from herpes of the face also find this remedy very useful.
- Vinca Minor – this medicine is especially indicated in cases of eczema. There is corrosive itching with great sensitivity of skin, redness and soreness even from slight rubbing. Patients suffering from eczema of head and face are greatly benefitted by this medicine. There is the presence of pustules with much itching, burning and offensive odour. Hair are also affected and are matted together.
As mentioned, you can see that every single medicine that has been added in our BNL Banoeczma Drops is sufficient enough to treat all your symptoms associated with eczema be it itching or presence of ringworms or redness or swelling of the affected area. Therefore, BNL Banoeczma Drops are a wonderful answer to all the complaints that are associated with eczema
Adults can take 20 to 30 drops mixed in a half cup of water, three to four times in a day. For children, a dose is 15 to 20 drops mixed in half cup of water, three to four times in a day.
I am mentioning some other medicines available in the market for various types of skin diseases and eczema below:
- Adel Pekana Adel 12 (Dercut) for psoriasis, eczema, acne, etc.
- Adel Pekana Adel 20 (Proaller) for itching, eczema and other skin infections.
- Adel Pekana Adel 78 (Dercut) skin ointment for various skin affections.
- Allen A11 Eczema Drops.
- Bakson B64 Dermato Drops for skin affections like eczema.
- Bakson Biochemic Combination 20 for Skin Diseases.
- Bakson Formula D Tablets for eczema, psoriasis, lichen planus and hives.
- Dr. Bhargava Skedin Minims Drops.
- Dr. Reckeweg R23 (Nosoderm) for Eczema.
- LDD Bioscience Ld 3 Eczema Drops.
- Lords Bio Combination No 20 for Skin Diseases.
- Lords L 120 Eczema Drops.
- REPL Dr. Advice No 40 Eczema drops.
- Willmar Schwabe India Graphites Pentarkan for Dry Eczema
Medicines from other brands are also available.
Note: Every person requires a different dose of medicine, as per their symptoms, therefore always remember that the medicine should be taken only after consultation with a homoeopathic physician. Avoid self-medicating as much as possible to avoid any complications in future.
Sources of reference:
Eczema Causes, Triggers & Symptoms | National Eczema Association
Eczema: Types, Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment (
Types of Eczema: Atopic Dermatitis, Seborrheic Dermatitis, and More (