Urinary Tract Infection and homoeopathic medicine

What is a Urinary Tract Disease?

UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) is basically an infection that affects any part of your urinary system. It can occur in your bladder, kidneys, bladder, bladder, or urethra. Most often, however, infection affects your bladder and the urethra, which is your lower urinary tract.

Urinary Tract Infections:

  1. Most commonly, UTIs are caused by bacteria.

  2. Changes in sexual partners that are frequent or new

  3. Diabetes

  4. Use of oral contraceptives and antibiotics too often,

Male vs Female involvement:

UTIs are more common in women due to the shorter length of their urethras and longer urine retention capacity.

Because of the length and severity of the urethra, urinary tract infections are less common in males. It is usually due to an underlying cause such as obstruction or reflux of urine to the kidneys.

Some symptoms may include:

  • Frequent desire to urinate.

  • Burning after and during urination

  • Lower abdomen pain

  • Lower back pain

  • Sensation that there is still some urine in the bladder

  • Sometimes, blood may also be passed with urine in some cases.

Treatment and Management

UTI is a condition that causes you to lose weight. You should see a doctor to ensure that you are treated for the infection.

Homoeopathy is a treatment option for Urinary Tract Infection using a variety of medications. Homeopathic medicine for Urinary Tract Infection

Homoeopathy & Urinary Tract Infection

Homoeopathy views urinary disorders not as problems in your Bladder or Kidneys, but as a reflection of your body's functioning.

Homoeopathy is different from other medicines because it boosts the natural immunity which helps the body fight infections effectively and becomes free from disease.

A professional homoeopathic physician is a good choice for permanent treatment. Homoeopathy is based on the principle that every person is unique and needs different medicine.