Urethritis - Homeopathic Medicines to treat Urethral Inflammation
The urethra can be inflamed and is called urethritis. The the urethra is a tube by which urine can be carried out of the bladder and into the body. Urethritis can be due to a bacteria which is able to get into the urethra through the opening. The homeopathic remedies for urethritis increase the immune system to fight infection, and help the natural healing process.
Commonly occurring bacteria that cause urethritis are E.coli (Escherichia coli), Neisseria gonorrhoeae, and Chlamydia trachomatis. In addition, urethritis could cause HSV (herpes simplex virus) and trichomonas. Chlamydia and gonorrhea infections in the urethra could spread into the urethra, and could result in PID (pelvic inflammation) in females , and epididymitis for males.
Homeopathic medicines to treat Urethritis
Homeopathy is a great treatment option for Urethritis. It can help reduce inflammation in the urethra and treat the symptoms of urethritis beautifully. Natural medicines to treat urethritis are chosen according to the most prominent signs of the condition. The most effective treatments for urethritis include Cantharis, Apis Mellifica, Lycopodium, Merc Sol, Petroselinum, Terbinthina, Sepia, Pulsatilla, Cannabis Sativa, Clematis and Sarsaparilla.
1. Cantharis - To treat Burning or Pain in the Urethra during Urination
Cantharis is a top-quality medication for treating urethritis and burning/painting in the urethra when the urination process. The burning and pain could persist after the passing of urine. Urine might not be able to go through completely. Sometimes, urine can pass dropping by drop. In some instances it is possible to feel cutting pains in the urinary tract. In addition, the frequency at which you urinate also elevated. The urge is usually felt when walking or standing. Urge to pass urine can be a sign. Sometimes, blood can pass through the urine.
2. Apis Mellifica - For Burning Stinging Pain and Burning Urethra
Apis Mellifica is beneficial for urinary tract infections that cause burning and painful stinging pains in the urinary tract. These symptoms manifest in the midst of and after urination. There are times when scalding, smarting or snoring can sensations in the urinary tract. A constricted sensation is felt inside the urethra. Urinary tract irritation can be a sign. Urine flow can be consistent. Urine is sluggish and can be dark.
3. Lycopodium - For Frequent Urination
Lycopodium is made from spores from the plant Lycopodium Clavatum belonging to the order Lycopodiaceae. Lycopodium can be helpful in cases of urethritis accompanied by frequent urinary frequency. The desire to urinate frequently is a sign of nighttime generally when Lycopodium is identified. Urine can have a pungent or offensive scent and may also contain a purulent sediment. The burning or irritation of the urinary tracts can be felt after the day of urination. Itching can also be felt in the urethra, both before and after having a urination. The dull, pressing pain of the lower abdomen could also be experienced.
4. The Merc Sol - To treat Urethritis with sudden Urgency to pass Urine
The drug Merc Sol is an extremely effective treatment in cases of urethritis that cause the sensation of urgency to eliminate urine. People who require Merc Sol have a sudden uncontrollable urge to urinate and are required to rush to empty their bladders. They are also complaining of frequent urination both day and at night. The burning sensation in the urethra when beginning to urinate is also a recurring issue. The urethra is prone to itching and is also reported. A greenish discharge could be seen through the urethra of males when Merc Sol is evident.
5. Petroselinum for Urine Marked Urgency to Clear Urine
Petroselinum is a preparation of the plant called Petroselinum Sativum, also known as Parsley which is part of the order of natural Umbelliferae. Petroselinum is a different remedy for the sensation of urgency in passing urine in cases of urethritis. Urination frequency is increased as well as an intense burning sensation and tingling sensation in the urethra when you urinate. In some instances, a the sensation of biting, crawling, or itching sensations in the urethra can be sensational. The pain of drawing and lancinating within the urethra can be seen in some instances. Males may experience yellow or milky fluid from the urethra is common.
6. Terbinthina is a treatment for Urethritis when blood is able to pass through Urine
Terbinthina is a widely used treatment for urethritis that occurs when urine contains blood. Urine is sluggish and smells fetid. In addition, painful urination. Urinary burning is as well felt during urination. Urination is frequent, especially during the night.
7. Sepia - for Urethritis for females suffering from painful Sexual Intercourse
Sepia is a wonderful remedy for female urethritis to alleviate the discomfort of an intimate relationship. The pain can be extremely intense when females require Sepia. Alongside this slimy, greenish or yellowish vaginal discharge can also be seen. Itching may also be present within the vagina. The discharge is acrid and worse when you urinate. Also, there is an increase in urgency and frequency to go to the bathroom. The burning and cutting sensations of the urethra can be felt while taking a urination. In the pelvis, a sagging pelvis is another sign of the symptoms mentioned above. Sepia is also considered to be top quality medication that is indicated to treat PID (pelvic inflammation) when the urethral infection reaches the pelvic organs.
8. Pulsatilla – For Vaginal discharges females
Pulsatilla is a plant-based preparation made from Pulsatilla Nigricans, also known as Wind Flower belonging to the family of natural plants Ranunculaceae. Pulsatilla is one of the most popular medicines to ease complaints of vaginal discharges, in the case of urinary tract infections in females. The discharges are similar to thick mucus, colored by milk and creamy. The discharges can be acrid and cause burning and itching sensations. They are more likely to become worse when lying down. Other symptoms that accompany them include burning in the urethral orifice following urination and during the process frequently urinating and urine that is bloody.
9. Cannabis Sativa is used to treat Urethra in males
Cannabis Sativa is well-indicated for urethritis that causes drainage from the urethra of males. The urethra discharge can be thick, purulent mucus that is watery, clear, transparent mucus or yellow mucus. The penis may be swollen, and painful. The entire urethra is swollen and inflamed and pain starts at the orifice urethra, and then spreads to the back. It is followed by pain, burning or stitching within the urethra.
10. Clematis - for Urethritis in males who suffer from painful Ejaculation
Clematis is cultivated by removing the stems and leaves of the plant called Clematis Erecta from the plant family known as Ranunculaceae. Clematis assists in the treatment of painful ejaculation among males with Urethritis. The symptoms are mostly of a burning nature. The urethra hurts to the touch, and is most painful in the night. Urethra burns are noticed when the moment you begin to urinate. It persists even after having a urination. A discharge of thick pus from the urethra could be noticed as well. Clematis can also be helpful for epididymitis cases in males, if the infection of the urethra progresses.
11. Sarsaparilla is used in instances where blood appears in Semen
Sarsaparilla is extracted from the dried rhizome from plants Sarsaparilla Officinalis which is also called Wild Licorice of the natural order Smilaceae. Sarsaparilla can help in managing cases of urethritis that cause blood to is seen in the semen. Other symptoms that may be observed in patients that require Sarsaparilla are a lack of urinary flow, stream of urine, and intense discomfort at the end of the urination.
Signs and symptoms of Urethritis
The burning or pain that occurs when you are urinating is the most common indication of Urethritis. In some instances there is also pain present even when you are not doing urination. Other signs of urethritis are an increase in frequency of urination and urgency to urinateand discharge from the vagina or penis and vagina, discomfort during sexual activity in females. It can also cause pain in the ejaculation tenderness or swelling of the penis, and bleeding blood from urine or semen.
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