Agnus Castus Homeopathic medicine, its dosage and indications
Agnus Castus is a homeopathic remedy that is derived from the Chaste tree that belongs to the family of Verbenaceae. It is made from the ripe berries of this tree, which is found throughout the Mediterranean region as well as Asia. It can be utilized to treat a variety of sexual organs in both genders. Agnus Castus was commonly used in ancient times by both genders to control their sexual urge. It decreases sexual vitality, with the corresponding depression of the mind and nervous energy. Homeopathy says that Agnus Castus has been identified among the other effective treatments to treat sexual disorders. It has a strong affinity to sexual issues and can be more effective than any other treatment for prostatorrhoea, impotency in males, sterility, leucorrhoea and agalactia among women.Agnus castus is associated with those with a 'lymphatic' constitution. These people tend to produce an excessive amount of lymphatic fluid (physiologically) and are more susceptible to health issues such as allergies, lymphadenitis, and skin diseases, and vaginal discharges. It's sometimes referred to as chaste berry or vitex.
What is Agnus Castus' work?
Agnus Castus is a remedy that is used to treat health issues which arise because of excessive sexual consumption, frequent attacks of gonorrhea, and the over the strain of muscles caused by lifting weights that are heavy. Warm air, cold beverages and food can limit the effectiveness of this remedy.
Agnus Dosage of Castus
Agnus castus can be found in a short duration of action that can be repeated with 30C.
Top Benefits of Agnus Castus
Agnus Castus is the foremost remedy for homeopathy that is indicated for impotency that is complete. It is effective for cases where Impotency is caused by misuse of sexual energy and gonorrhea ( an infection that is transmitted sexually ). It is thought as a treatment for those who are prematurely.
It may also be observed when there is an edgy, yellow (gonorrhoeal fluid, which is made up of pus and mucus released from the urinary tract ) flow from the male urinary tract. Other signs are swollen, cold as well as hard and swollen testicles.
Agnus castus is recommended in situations in which there is insufficient or a lack of breast milk along with melancholy. It can also be utilized to treat leucorrhoea which is an egg-white, excessive discharge from the relaxed areas of female Genital organs.
Agnus Castus for Impotence in males
The most prominent signs of impotency for which Agnus Castus is recommended as treatment are:
●complete inability with flaccidity and a coldness of the male genitals.
●an inability to sexually stimulate that causes severe inflexibility of the penis.
●impermanence that develops after repeated or unrepressed episodes of gonorrhea that is triggered by repeated or suppressed incidents.
Agnus Castus is beneficial for older as well as men who are prematurely old with sadness and depression resulting due to the abuse of sexual pleasures and losses of seminal nature.
Agnus Castus for Prostatorrhoea
Prostatorrhoea is the term used to describe the irregular discharge of prostatic fluid. Agnus is a reliable solution to the issue of an ecstatic discharge after urination or during straining when bowels are empty when people experience regular attacks of gonorrhea or losing an erection.
Agnus Castus for Gonorrhoea
Gonorrhea is an infection transmitted through sexual contact caused by the bacteria N. gonorrhoeae. It can be transmitted across a person's body to the next via oral, vaginal and sexual contact. The affected men may suffer from burning sensations during urination penile discharge, the pain of the testicle. Gonorrhoea is a common problem for women. It can result in burning when urinating or vaginal discharge. It can also cause vaginal bleeding after menstruation as well as pelvic pain.
Agnus is a treatment recommended for the impotence that is by the frequent attacks of this illness.
Agnus Castus to treat sterility issues in Women
Agnus Castus is a well-indicated treatment for female sterility which is caused by excessive sexual pleasure. It may result in total disinterest, inability to sexual activity and a decrease in menstrual cycles.
Agnus Castus for Leucorrhoea
Leucorrhoea is an abnormal vaginal discharge of mucus that appears like the transparent white from an egg. The fluid is thick and comes from the female Genital area (often when there is a prolapse of the uterus) which can make the undergarments yellow. Uterine prolapse is that causes the pelvic floor muscles to contract or weaken, and aren't able to provide sufficient support to the uterus. The the uterus, in turn can slide in the vagina.
Agnus Castus to treat Agalactia
Agalactia is the term used to describe the condition that causes the an inability to produce milk in female lactating mothers. Agnus is effective in impaired or suppressed lactation with symptoms of depression, such as brooding and sadness.
Agnus Castus to treat Menstruation
Agnus castus can be used to treat situations when menstrual periods run from ten to 18 days or are stopped and cause pains to the abdomen. It is suggested for women who are prone to hysterical episodes, occasionally metrorrhagia (abnormal bleeding from the uterus) and prolapse of the uterus.
Other signs that could indicate this remedy are headache, vertigo the dim vision before menstruation and pain in the your pelvic region as well as the loins when you go through menstrual cycles. It can also be used in situations where the placenta has been retracted and there is inflammation in the uterus.
Agnus Castus in the treatment of Mental Issues
Agnus is an effective remedy for forgetfulness and diminished ability to see and the inability to remember things. It can be used to treat signs such as difficulty reading because of a lack of concentration, fatigue, fear of death melancholy, a hypochondriac disorder that causes anxiety as well as weakness, fear, and anxiety. It can also be used to treat:
●Peevish people who tend to be annoyed quickly.
●Uncertainty and fear of failure due to depression and mental obstruction.
●Inattention and difficulties in keeping with the thought process.
Other Spaces that are the result of Action from Agnus Castus
In addition to treating problems in the sexual realm, Agnus also shows good healing properties for these:
●Tachycardia (accelerated heart rate) in young men who are neurotic after smoking cigarettes.
●The head is filled with pains that feel as if the head is filled with smoke.
●A sour flatus discharge from urination scent that remains on clothing.
●Formication (sensation of crawling insects) in the skin, accompanied by itching.
●The pupils dilate and cause eye irritation.
●A sense of smell that is illusory - like herring or the scent of musk.
●Mundal ulcers and gums that cause discomfort in the teeth in the event of contact with warm beverages or food.
●Nausea and a feeling like the intestines are being pulled downwards.
●Joints that twist easily , causing discomfort that feels like they're dislocated.
●Gouty and gouty nodosities that are seen in bones that have cold extremities.
●Eyes burning and headaches due to reading at night.
●The sound of roaring and ringing in the ears, accompanied by a the difficulty of hearing.
●Insomnia, decreased appetite, inability to drink, abdominal pain after meals.
●Uterine bladder pain with an increase in frequency during the night.
●Anguish, depression or apathy of the spirit.
Agnus Castus in Relative to the other Homeopathic Remedies
●Agnus is a natural antidote that can be slowed down by Camphor, Natrum Muraticum and robust solutions for table salt.
●Agnus is well-supported with Arsenic Album, Bryonia, Ignitia, Lycopodium and Selenium and Caladium to treat weakening of the sexual organs or impotence.
●The remedy is considered in conjunction with other remedies connected to the sexual sphere such as Lycopodium and Selenium in males as well as Platina and in females, and Natrum Carbonicum, Sepia and Borax in females.
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